SRSteamextreme - Snowboarding

08 Januar 2007

Mini-Snowboard-Camp in GAP

Denmark might have water and waves - but we have no mountains!
In December I got an invitation to come to Garmish-Partenkirchen for three days between Christmas and NewYears. It was my friend Christian Kuhnt from Saved Surfers (eigentlich SRS TeamExtreme Surfen) who had made the arrangments with the local snowboardjunkie Wurmy. I had never before heard about Team Extreme or anything like that - so I was really excited to learn more about the concept...
We were four guys from Denmark who drove 1300 km to the foothills of the Alps - and on the way we were praying for snow, sun and good company! It was a looooong drive - but whileworth it! The first morning we arrived - on the 28th of December - the sun rose on a clear blue sky. It was great weather! The conditions on Zugspitze where good - they had a well shaped park with different boxes, c rails etc. There could've been more snow - but oh well - it was better than nothing!

That night we met the others from the gang of Team Extreme who also were staying with Wurmy in Garmisch. It was great to meet these people and share our passions with eachother - our passion for God and riding in the snow!
The next three days were great! We spend the days on the mountain playing in the park and giving it "Volle Pulle" on the slopes and cheering for eachother. We had a great time together at night with worship, prayers, "cultural-exchange" and parties...
Thanks, you Garmisch-people, for a great time... See you next year!!!
Niels Nygaard, Denmark

Kurze Anmerkung noch von mir zur Erklaerung. Das Mini-Snowboard-Camp war hauptsaechlich fuer die Mitarbeiter im Team Extreme gedacht. Deshalb gab es auch keine Flyer oder Infos. Chris Kuhnt hat 3 Freunde aus Daenmark mitgebracht und es war sehr interessant sich auszutauschen. Wir waren um die 10 Leute und haben hier in Garmisch im Gemeindehaus gewohnt! Schoene Gruesse Wurmy

v.l.n.r. Sarah, Chris, Natia, Wurmy, Jonas, Buddy, Daene, Kilian, Daene, Nils,
Buddy und Nils @ the Party v.l.n.r. Niels, Rainer, Daene, Chris K., Buddy, Wurmy